The Living Quietness

The whole world is your home. I am the Mother of the wicked, I am the Mother of the virtuous. Whenever you are in distress, say that 'I have a Mother'. Sri Sarada Devi.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Be there Mother Sarada

Be there Mother Sarada as a vision of mother to my children

Be there Mother Sarada as a vision of friend and partner to my partner

Be there Mother Sarada watching my every move
Be there Mother Sarada as I identify with fears
and my passion for outer purpose
Do not lose me as You move me into my Outer purpose, of motherhood.

Remind me Mother Sarada:
They - my children and partner - have the capacity to move forward on their own
Just as I move forward by knowing the path that opens through your Presence

Guide us Mother Sarada:
For our physical presence and thoughts for each other
Facilitate us into being as a family soul.


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