The Witness Consciousness
If I have to share the discovery of the Joy, innate and eternally present, and describe it, I am reminded of Dr.Wayne Dyer mentioning of it as the Witness Consciousness.
The Witness Consciousness is a more authentic term for a beginner in the spiritual path, establishing and realising the truthful connection to the truth of God's presence pervading within. It is a term that convinces the mind, which is a dominant force although it is a force to be transcended.
When the mind is beginning to be transcended, the Witness is realised as delightfully uncontained like the breeze that one experiences, as joyfully empowering by its nature, as wonderfully childlike that anyone could experience it. It is without any doubt a Graceful presence that is all pervading.
Needless to say, it is through the Grace of dissolving myself at the Holy feet of mother Sarada and the Gods that this Witness is establishing through me.
May this Presence of God expand and shine brilliantly through all and become the one Truth of Joy in the very being of our lives.
'I am the dearest child of Mother, the Doer of all that comes through me. May all find a place at Her Holy Feet and be touched by Her heart.'
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