Babies as Humanbeings of their own
As I watched one of her shows, Oprah said perhaps in the subject of raising children, that a baby being born out of a mother is a whole humanbeing that comes out of her body. And sometimes I do tend to say: "oh, just a baby!".
Gary Zukav explains that the energy processing system of the humans begins at its birth and is alive until one lives in the Earth and dies at the time of the death.
So in our everyday lives, our life with babies as a parent or as through whom ever we chose to relate to, is a life lived with a "living, breathing", conscious human-being - a lively human-being in the wonder filled form of baby.
I have come to understand that the sacred energy of creation - also named as Shakti or Kundalini - that breathes life to the creation and growth of babies, remains in its fullest or somewhat fullest life and in its dominant state, before babies grow and they(we) are gradually but with 'enormous momentum' are pulled by the minds of the world from outside and then inside. Because of brimming with the energy of creation still untouched by much of the energy of the physical world, is perhaps why it is sacred to connect with babies.
Thus babies are in their fullest human potential while radiating such energy. In order to reinforce this radiance and perhaps expand it is the reason perhaps why we see saintly and hole figures like Chinmaya, Jesus and Neem Karoli Baba, to name a few connect to children, utterly surrendered to their connection to babies and indulging in this divine delightness.
As the minds of the world is waiting to overtake the purity of the little babies as they grow, what a gift to humanity the purity of their presence generate in the meantime.
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