The Living Quietness

The whole world is your home. I am the Mother of the wicked, I am the Mother of the virtuous. Whenever you are in distress, say that 'I have a Mother'. Sri Sarada Devi.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

God, please take us home.

This morning is a Saturday - a walk to a fast food place to buy our weekly special breakfast. I try my best to stay present, to be instead of feeling rushed through the moments as I do through the day. I notice the sun is warm and put my child's stroller in the gentleness of the morning's sun as much as possible.

Inside the food service place I see the family whom I am familiar - there for the breakfast too. The cooks and those who serve are very familiar to me - not just because I am used to this place but because I have become a family person myself, I could realte to their being a mother, wife and family people. And surprisingly I wonder in the moment, 'and all of us are here from our homes and in this place'.

I spiral up in my views: all of us are so removed from Homes these days. So now I share my prayer, which becomes, 'God, take us all closer to our homes.' 'We are so removed from our homes and we are not feeling good or happy. Send us closer and closer to our homes' (whatever home may mean to each one of us.)



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