The Living Quietness

The whole world is your home. I am the Mother of the wicked, I am the Mother of the virtuous. Whenever you are in distress, say that 'I have a Mother'. Sri Sarada Devi.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Many a glow, many a path

"Never did Swami Tapovanam try to keep in contact with His devotees or disciples. He invariably discouraged anyone form even writing a letter to Him and, as a general rule, He replied only to a few. Living thus sequestered, seeking only solitude and contemplation, He never encouraged anyone to have a relationship with Him. Nevertheless, He was always ready to give a discourse on a Scripture or have a spiritual discussion. He lived a life of His own, chaste and pure, ever content in his Self-nature."

"put away your judgements, lay down the boxing gloves that keep you fighting, and surrender to the love you are looking for. That love lives inside you. When properly dispensed, it will heal your greatest sorrow and wipe away your regrets... It will shine its light where there is darkness and lead you out of the darkness and into the light - the light of love - where the collective heart awaits your return."


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