Eckhart Tolle's 'no-thingness' and Its nature by Swami Paramananda
Eckhart Tolle in his work, "A New Earth":
"Some years ago when visiting China, I came upon a stupa on a mountaintop near Guilin. It had writing embossed in gold on it, and I asked my Chinese host what it meant. "It means 'Buddha,'" he said. "Why are there two characters rather than one?" I asked. "One" he explained, means 'man'. The other means 'no.' And the two together means 'Buddha.'" I stood there in awe. The character for Buddha already contained the whole teaching of the Buddha, and for those who have eyes to see, the secret of life. Here are the two dimensions that make up reality, thingness and no-thingness, form and the denial of form, which is the recognition that form is not who you are."
Inquire then, 'what nature is this no-thingness' and
read the following poem to find out:
Thou art born of Spirit,
Not created by thought,
Nor moulded by fancies,
Thou divine spark of unfathomed origin!
As vision Thou enterest in the heart of the prophet;
In the soul of the poet Thou dwellest as raptures of inspiration;
And in the throat of the singer as musci.
Soul art Thou in our life;
Life art thou in our body.
Who can know Thee, Thou subtlest of subtle?
How can we ever know Thee,
Save when Thou dost come to us in Thy glory
And grant unto us our sight?
: From 'Rhythm of LIFE'
Poems by Swami Paramananda