The Living Quietness

The whole world is your home. I am the Mother of the wicked, I am the Mother of the virtuous. Whenever you are in distress, say that 'I have a Mother'. Sri Sarada Devi.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

As within, so without.

One of the activities at the Chinmaya mission was to bring forth the awareness of consumption and to thus conserve - 'producing more than what we consume and giving more than what we take', as in the pledge. The Chinmaya Yuva Kendra activated through a series of questionaire, and kindling the awareness of the ways of 'acting personally while thinking globally'.

I picked up on the places I lagged behing such as recycling plastic materials, and built strength on my inner convictions of saving resourcess so as to stand in it with my family members - especially switching off the lights when not in use - and focused my attention to reduce further packaged foods while resolving to build on my efforts, such as to be vibrant at the kitchen so as to inspire my family to be engaged in the preparation of daily food.

I honored the youth's effort, which spread the feeling of sending me into compassionate action of looking inward.

I gathered some definite stamina to focus on the truths of conserving that existed in my depths and now regained a hold on it and to hold it around my family. But I did not suspect the inspiration to look inside myself to benefit in the value of wise consumption, will send me into another level of application of it - that of my own being.

I thought then, before I looked upon my consuming styles of food, and all environmental gift of resources, how truly such a life of value is actually a happening of my inner core. And that wise living so as to benefit the global health is a result that springs from that within. How then am I wise in utilising my thoughts, my actions, my speech, all of which is again another expression of the core internal life.

The earth is a body and the health of which is depended upon by all lives. So too is our individual human system interconnected - the health of which is maintained to a good extent through out thoughts, words and actions. So I concluded, just perhaps as the intropective session intended to, that the right living for the global health is actually a personal responsibility coming from the place of the right use of all our internal resources.