The Living Quietness

The whole world is your home. I am the Mother of the wicked, I am the Mother of the virtuous. Whenever you are in distress, say that 'I have a Mother'. Sri Sarada Devi.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

'Spiritual growth'

"None of our hands are clean".

"Give up the ego is the Lord's only request".

"You do not need to have had an ideal childhood (to respond to the urgent calling for stepping into one's own spiritual journey), but it doesn't hurt to have (had) a happy childhood."

"Devotees stood in a beeline to have a darshan of Amma and Bhagavan"

"Devotees stood in beeline to have a darshan of Amma and Bhagavan. Paying his respects a newcomer angrily inquired,

'Bhagavan,why do you shower your blessings on bad people. My neighbor is a drunk, prone to violence. And I find you doing miracles for him every other day! Should not grace discriminate between the good and the bad?' Amma beckoned him to come closer.

Amma: Let us say you are standing on your balcony and see your little son running on to the road from the house. He falls down and hurts himself. What would you do?

Devotee: I would rush to his aid and kiss away his pain.

Amma: Well, you would certainly not go to your son who is crying and inquire, 'Were you running out of the house after some mischief? Did you hit someone and run away from him?' Would you? If you with your limited consciousness could love your son so much, what about us? Whenever a devotee prays we cannot pause to inquire if he is good or bad. We respond to his pain.

As a human you will never be able to comprehend this dimension of the divine."

From 'Amma : The Divine Mother'.

"The Masks"

"Why Good People Do Bad Things : How To Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy"
"This brilliant book answers the question: Are you living an ego-driven or a soul-centered life?" - Deepak Chopra.

Authored by Debbie Ford. Also, please look at 'The Dark Side of the Light Chasers'.


The Quiet Snake is a trickster because you actually think they are harmless. Their quiet demeanor is disarming and even makes you feel sorry for the fact that they are so repressed. They are usually cordial but not overly friendly until they know that you are fair game for them. They may share information about their business deals or talents in an almost modest way, hinting around at opportunities that are available only for the lucky few. Their manner and manners make anyone who is nostalgic for the days of good, old-fashioned honor and respect an easy mark, and once they find their way into your life, they will figure out how to rob you of your ideas, your money, your social connections, and your dignity. Watch out, because their seeming innocence covers up a hoard of deceit. They often think of themselves as the smart one, but this sneaky, docile facade is just a smoke screen to hide that they are dependent, untalented, inadequate, and unable to make it on their own.

Quiet Snakes are predators who often disguise themselves as prey - proverbial wolves in sheep's clothing. They are conniving, manipulating, cunning and sneaky. They are often coy and will pretend to be more sensitive and vulnerable than they actually are in a ploy to win your trust. Slippery and hard to figure out, they hide behind a mask of innocence and work hard to make others feel safe, all the while calculating their next move. Their unconscious feelings of jealousy and worthlessness fuel their desire to be trustworthy and innocent, but beware- they are not.

The Quiet Snake's Shame:
Small, insignificant, powerless, not good enough, inadequate, con artist, liar.

The Quiet Snake's Challenge:
The Quiet Snake's challenge is to recognize that they are not so harmless. Because they may have convinced even themselves that they are quiet, innocent victims, the first and most difficult challenge of the Quiet Snake is to admit that they are, in fact, a predator. What the Quiet Snake needs to do is pay close attention to their inner dialog and realize their true intentions. Quiet Snakes need to catch themselves in the act of calculating their next move. Telling the truth will be the biggest challenge they face, because they are masters of deceit. Being straight about what they want forces the Quiet Snake out of hiding so they can discover their authentic power and their true worth."